Full Moon Circle
The Full Moon Ceremony
Full Moon ceremony is a sacred, traditional, ceremonial offering by those who have studied for several years to facilitate a safe context for the prayers and deeply personal testimonials of women spoken in prayer.
This ceremony is a place you can own for praying into your life within a loving compassionate circle. Held within an outdoor Arbor, or ceremonial circle, containing a sacred fire, the circle is opened up to a gathering of women in accordance with the cycles of the full moon.
This is a women's prayer ceremony. This ceremony is open to all women and girl child, as long as it does not disturb their peace. It is always so good to see and be with all the sisters.
We ask that you wear a skirt and recommend that you bring additional layers (for that little nip at night). Please bring a contribution of healthy nibbles or tea for after the ceremony.
We are located in rural Arroyo Grande, California. Allow approximately 3 hours, for guidance, prayers and a potluck afterwards.
For your giveaway considerations, there are officers who attend to the details and safety of this outdoor, nighttime, fireside ceremony.
This is a great first time ceremony for a woman wanting to explore our Medicine Way as we offer it in our Circles of Empowerment.
Want to Sponsor Full Moon Circles in your Area?
Hua provides teachings and gives away this ceremony. If you are interested in carrying/hosting this ceremony in your area, contact Clan Mother Hua Anwa about sponsoring an Empowerment through Ritual and Ceremony class, which can be used to teach the Full Moon ceremony. The considerations for the land and how to know if you have a space that could accommodate this circle are all great questions to explore.