Elder Teachings

The Continuum

Are you nearing Moonpause, or well into it? Do you have questions about the next half of your life? Come gather with us as we explore together, sharing experiences, questions and traditional wisdom.

Grandmother Celebration and Initiation

We have created an opportunity to acknowledge and honor Eldership in this community. This speaks to our continued attention to the fundamental processes in community building and sustainability. I encourage you to come and celebrate our wise grandmothers with sweet little giveaways and attentions.

Embracing these ways weaves a continuum, and assures you that when it is your turn, the possibility will be there for you. We have Wise Women available to strengthen our circle of life. This kind of tending can affect the whole world. In the face of what is going on in our world we can create anew these wonderful ways. AHO!

In the not too distant past, the family, as a unit, was necessary for survival. The work was shared. Everyone had a particular function. We are beginning to look back to the old ways of respecting the aged ones. There is a certain sense of awe surrounding the Grandmother. She’s usually the first to awaken in the morning. She starts coffee or tea, waters the plants, or starts a load of wash before the rest of the household is awake. Her prayers, be they spoken or in her heart, are sent in the silence of the early morning hours. 4:00 AM is Grandmother time. She instructed the little ones in the ways to walk the good path through her meditations, prayers, and songs.

Women in moon pause, who have not bled, naturally or medically, for a full cycle of thirteen moons, can have the right of passage into the Grandmother Lodge upon the fourteenth moon. If you are wanting to be initiated, sign up and/or for more information, contact Hua Anwa.