Clan Mother Hua Anwa
Circles of Empowerment is led by Clan Mother Hua Anwa, a woman who is a teacher of mixed Mayan, Cherokee, and European descent who has been leading ceremony on the Central Coast of California since 1990.
Hua is a long time resident of the Central Coast, and has been leading an annual celebration of the Long Dance since 1990, as well she been leading Full Moon ceremonies, Sweat Lodge, Empowerment through Ritual and Ceremony classes, and offers private traditional shamanic healing sessions for the people.
In addition to the Long Dance and Full Moon circle and other ceremonies which she leads in Arroyo Grande, Hua also offers teachings, services and counseling to a wide variety of audiences, individuals and her extended community.
In 2009, Hua was a special guest speaker at the Hopedance film screening of the 13 Grandmothers movie in San Luis Obispo in September, and in October she was invited to speak at the Cambria 350 event to encourage awareness of carbon issues and global warming.
Hua has also been invited as a special guest and representative of the Circles of Empowerment at a number of events hosted by Earth Peoples United (TJU) in the Bay area. Earth Peoples United is led by Mayan spiritual leader Tata OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez and his wife, Nana Heddi Neale.
Hua spoke to attendees at a Mayan New Year event at Solstice Grove in Marin County, at a weekend long Earth Day celebration and Elder's Council Fire in San Francisco, and is invited again to be a part of the 5th Annual Wisdom Keeper and Youth Council up at Deer Mountain in August.
Sisters representing Circles of Empowerment have attended the wonderful and moving Mexica New Year events in San Jose many years running.