Core Values

Core Values


There are protocols, etiquette and standards — but more than anything there is safety for spiritual expression of all sorts, with room for everyone willing to promote our core values of sharing, kindness, honesty, courage, and integrity.


Circles of Empowerment’s Mission Statement

Circles of Empowerment supports people of all colors,  creeds, and walks of life by providing a safe space for ceremonial expression and healing. Although non-denominational, we embrace a Native American inspired Medicine Way that encourages spiritual connection to the Earth Mother in an authentic, unique and indigenous way, in support of one another and for the benefit of global healing.

We hold respect for the power of the circle, for shared prayers and we facilitate and lead group meetings on a regular basis year round.


The Twisted Hair Tradition


Travels to Other Communities

These past couple of years, Clan Mother Hua Anwa has been invited to speak at numerous events and communities and to share the wisdom of the Circles of Empowerment. These events allow Hua to bring forward the Circles of Empowerment message of caretaking for our Earth Mother, weaving community connections and passing forward the sacred wisdom that must be shared seven generations into the future. As we endeavor to bring the new paradigm into full flower, it is critically important that we unite with others striving to bring the same core values front and center into dialog with the whole.

Hua often tells the story of the Twisted Hair tradition — Native American travelers of yore who would go to many communities and bring wisdoms and knowledge with them gleaned over time from other nations, other peoples and other ways of Being. By sharing and building connection, the Twisted Hairs brought strength and Beauty to every place they visited. Hua spoke on this topic at the Salon for the Spiritually Creative Life held at Pasadena's Institute for Art & Philosophy, and wrote about this in the 2012 book by Carol Soucek King celebrating the Under the Bridges at Arroyo Del Rey.